Registration and account names:
Registration to is free and encouraged to enter all the areas of the forum and required to post. Usernames must be 3 characters and not contain offensive words. Members are free to change their display names after at least 10 post on the forum. You may change your display name 1 time every 120 days.
Deletion of accounts will only be done if the account has zero posts, is a spammer account or if required because of legal action. Please don't request your account to be deleted simply because you wish to leave the forum. Contact a moderator or administrator to have your account placed in an inactive state if you wish to leave.
General forum conduct:
The purpose of is to discuss vintage equipment. Members are encouraged to participate in all areas of the forum, but refrain from offensive language, pictures, gestures, or any actions meant to provoke other members whether directly or indirectly. has members whose age is under 18, and members who allow their children to view the site. Please keep all aspects of this forum family friendly. If you think it may not be acceptable, it probably isn't.
Political, religious, sexual, or any other language deemed to be offensive is strictly prohibited.
Use of may be restricted or revoked for violation of the rules of the forum and at the discretion of the staff.
You are encouraged to create a personal signature. To do so, enter the
and select signature from the list of items to modify. Signatures can be a maximum of 5 lines and can contain links. See section on linking to other sites for restrictions on links. Signatures must comply with all the forum rules and also may not be used for classified sections. Use of pictures is discouraged, and the staff may either request the removal of the picture in your signature, or remove it themselves. Please be considerate, signatures are usually on EVERY post that you make, so keep them short and to the point.
Avatars are small pictures which are associated with your account. The size of the avatar is restricted by forum settings. Avatars may be any picture provided it fits the general guidelines of the forum. Any avatar which is deemed offensive will be removed by the staff.
MyOldMachinecom is broken down into many technical areas. When posting a new topic, please attempt to select the best area to post in. Please refrain from making non-constructuve remarks in the technical areas. When someone's asking for help, replying with non-relevant remarks, inside jokes or sarcastic responses are never helpful. In the non-technical areas, this is more acceptable, but having one or two members "taking over" a topic is unacceptable in any area.
Please refrain from "text talk". How r u, is not a replacement for How are you? Proper grammar, punctuation and spelling are always appreciated and make your message that much more readable.
Posting with the intent to sell an item is prohibited in the forum. ALL items for sale must be placed in the classified section, no exceptions.
The Shoutbox is a forum feature that allows members to post a "shout-out." It is not intended to be used for tech questions, jokes, general discussions, classifed ads or support as those areas all belong in their appropriate forums. If you don't care to participate or even view it you can minimize it from view by clicking the (-) toggle button at the right edge of the forum heading. You can also turn it off completely by using the "My Prefs" button at the bottom of the
The classified section is for member owned products / equipment OR if the member is representing a friend / neighbor in the transaction for that item for which they will be solely responsible for.
If posting for a friend please contact an admin or moderator for approval PRIOR to posting.
Classifieds must:
include a price (any ad mentioning highest bidder will be removed)
Multiple items may be included in a single classified, but each must have it's own price associated with it.
include a location
NOT be a link to eBay or other on-line classified (regardless if the item is yours or not)
Wanted ads do not need to include a price unless it's relevant as to maximum they will pay.
Manuals and Downloads:
It is recognized that the manuals section contains documentation copy written by companies such as Toro ©. The manuals which are provided in are downloadable copies of documents for which MyOldEquipment does not hold the copy write to. Upon request of the copy write holder, we will remove that item from the forum. We anticipate that the publications shared here fall within the general use clause of many copyrights and are not to bypass any financial gains from the holder.
Our intent is to provide historical information for products. does not approve of the distribution of documents which are currently for sale by the owner of the copy write. Please report any such item to the staff. does not condone "pirated" items and any will be promptly removed.
Linking to other sites:
You may link to other sites under the following guidelines.
1. The information being linked to is proprietary or copy written and should not be copied to
2. You are linking to an item which is in direct reference to a question being asked.
3. Any link residing within pointing back to is acceptable including classifieds.
Staff consists of site owner, administrators, and moderators. Their jobs are to insure that the forum remains enjoyable and as such have the task to uphold the rules of the forum.
Please respect the decisions made by the staff of, as their decisions are final.
When you disagree with the actions taken by the staff of, please take that issue up in private. is not affiliated with any companies and does not represent them. is owned by Karl Lyon. All software, hosting, skins designs and addons have been properly licensed from their respective companies.