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Everything posted by joegrgraham
  1. Thanks expeatfarmer, my currently has blue bits that should be red and red bits that should be blue!. Just wanted to find out the correct variations.
  2. Hi all, Which bits of an mg2 should be painted red?. Obviously the sprocket and idler wheels, but what about the weight carrying rollers?. Any other bits need to be red?. Thanks, Joe.
  3. Evening all, I am asking this on behalf of a friend who is starting to annoy me with constant questions!. He is trying to revive a Merry Tiller Super Major, bought new in 1986. Believed to be a 5hp. It needs new piston rings. Now, the cowling bearing the serial number has been lost(originally a black cowling) the cowling it is wearing in the pictures is from a VISUALLY identical engine. The serial number from the donor engine has been fine for Carb, exhaust etc, but it turns out that it has not worked for the rings! The original engine (fitted to the machine) has a bore of 65mm/2.55'',whereas the donor has a bore of 63mm/2.48''. He is stuck now as the B & S manual only gives part number reliant on the serial number, not the actual ring dimensions, likewise, the parts suppliers all need the serial number. He wants to retain the original engine as it has the built-in reverse gearing. Any help in any form would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Thanks guys, that's a great help. I'll pass the info on.
  5. It doesn't seem as bad as initially thought. We've managed to salvage some of the number. See pics.
  6. Hi all, My mate has just acquired an M1. Unfortunately, someone has rather aggressively sanded the cowling, thus obliterating the serial number. Is there anywhere else he may find the engine number? Thanks Joe
  7. Thanks expeatfarmer, I will have a look at that next time I visit the shed.
  8. Hi all, I've been lurking on this forum, but this is my first post. Some of you will know me from other forums (what is the correct plural of forum? Fora? Fori?) anyway, for those who do not know me, I have a small collection in varying states of decreptitude, a Trusty and a few implements, a Merry Tiller, Bantam and in the pending pile, a Colwood and a Monrotiller. My 'big' project is an MG2, currently in component parts, waiting for the weather to improve so I can do some painting. And finally to the question, I need to dismantle the front half of the PTO unit so that I can replace the bearing and seals. Does the gear on the drive shaft pull off? And how do you split the engagement gear, there seems to be a Cork seal in there which looks like it needs to be replaced. Hopefully the picture will explain the bits I mean! Thanks, Joe Sorry, just realised I posted in the wrong section, fat fingers, small keypad!
  9. joegrgraham


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