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Posts posted by Teicneocroitear

  1. Just wondered where Ford (son) got the name "Dexta" from?

    Given that Ford's original manufacturing operation in Europe was in Cork City and that Dexter cattle, a mountain breed, the smallest and one of the earliest of the modern "British" cattle breeds, was developed in County Tipperary by an 18th century landlord (or land agent - not sure which) named Dexter.

  2. I'm really impressed by the standard of ploughing produced by the "garden tractors". If I could do as good a job on the croft with the Fergie I would be well pleased.

    I did just wonder what had been in the ground you were ploughing ? Are we looking at aftermath of corn with new grown weeds? Or something more sophisticated?

  3. The first (and last) time I saw horses ploughing "for real" was in a field at the very edge of Llandegla Moor circa 1966. The sight was unusual enough by then that my Dad stopped the car so that I and my brother (6 & 4) could watch for a bit.

    A slower paced time? Maybe. But more relaxed? The horse drawn working day was 6.00-11.00 and 13.00-18.00. Ten hour day with a two hour lunch. A ten hour horse day, typically delivered 4.3kWh......just a thought.

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