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Posts posted by rog130

  1. 59 minutes ago, Anglo Traction said:


    Unusual design!. it's based on the Archemedian principle. A bit of searchng Hose manufacturers may well produce what you need.

    One point about these is that with rubber involved, there needs to be a method of priming with water etc prior to starting up from a dry condition.


    As for makers info, It may be worth enquiring with the company. Yes, it look's like they are still in business. Here's a link to their 'Timeline' on their website-    MONO PUMPS Ltd 

    Good luck.



    Thanks i have sent  mono a message of what i am looking for

    With the info of the pump so now its just time till they come back to me

    Any info on the pump i will update here for others to find

  2. 9 hours ago, mattblack said:

    I was going to say 'I had one of those' but Anglo Traction beat me to it...


    I haven't seen another one with the pump on, but I always thought there must be a reason for the shaft sticking out of the generator (there was no pulley on mine)

    yes its a interesting one i looked at lots of steam rally videos on youtube see some the same but no pump 

    the pump needs a bit of work it's like a screw pump its like a rubber sleeve that goes around a screw and it turns and pumps water through weird setup but very interesting

    the rubber sleeve is no good so got to find  something to replace it with 


  3. 16 minutes ago, Anglo Traction said:

    Hi and welcome,. Looks like a good project. I include a link to a topic on this Forum that is for the same unit, but for a Generator, so the Pump Brand will likely need to be researched separately.

    Good luck with the project and let us see your progress on it.           -LINK- 





    Thanks going to start it in the winter got to finish the petter A

    the pump is by mono pumps ltd type Z2 no j16222/1 most people said they never seen one would be nice to find out more 

    the chap i got it from has lots of stationery engines for sale one out of a boat here are some photos all for sale on face book all in west sussex



  4. Hi all 

     i  just got this as a project but can not find much about them on line  i was told that this place was the best  to ask 

    i have added some photos of it 

    i know its a generator but this one has a water pump on it to and looks factory fitted 

    have you ever seen one like this it has sat in a shed since 1970

    i got it for  £60 something to restore in the winter 

    just finished a petter a that was used in hastings in the war as a winch but that was easy to find spare parts for 

    this not so much





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