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T Alan

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About T Alan
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  1. Hey David, Thanks for the info. Yes I have all the carb parts. I just took images of the thing(s) I needed info on. I dont mind changing the ass'y to the ball type and converting it back when and if parts allow. Do you know if the bottom half of that ass'y is available? LOL on the carb type...I meant to type engine but was thinking carb.....too many bdays and easily confused hahaha I pm'd webhead and will do the same for wallfish to see if those guys can help me out with parts. I will for sure post images when its back together running. For now the thing looks real similar to this http://www.acresinternet.com/cscc.nsf/ed1d619968136da688256af40002b8f7/e426ce44969dee3f88256e49006914e9?OpenDocument Again I appreciate the help Todd
  2. Hi All, New here. Lots of good info for sure. I too need carb parts. This looks the exact saw except mine is a ORline Chainsaw-1 Model 103. I believe it has a 13B 342 carb. The only difference I see is that the diaphram arm on mine has a hole in the end with a rubber piece inserted instead of using the check ball. Is that kinda stuff still available (lol)? Really looking forward to getting this running. Have not seen this model anywhere. Help is greatly appreciated Todd
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