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About LangyLang
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  1. I am not 100 percent sure that vacuum hose diagram is the correct? My fuel pump is a different assembly, it is mounted to side of the engine block or I think the pump is in the carb better yet? I know enough to be more dangerous than productive sometimes. Attached are some pictures of the old hose, it connects from the fuel pump diaphragm plate to the carburetor itself. I have the new carb and fuel pump diaphragm, just need the vacuum hose now, I already ordered one off of ebay going by looks but it was way to small, would love to get the correct one so I don't have to rig up anything to wild and crazy.
  2. Thanks Anglo Traction, turns out the idler pulley bolt was loose and the pulley was wobbling. After I do some tuning up, I will be putting a new belt on, thanks.
  3. Good morning all, I have a wheelhorse B-115 model#253707 type 0131-01 with a 11hp briggs and Stratton, i am trying to figure out what part number or where to purchase a new fuel pump vaccum hose?
  4. Thanks Showman, is that under downloads? I found a manual for the B series there and I can mostly make out the picture for the belt diagram and it looks very similar to what I have but is for the B-111 and not the B-115.
  5. Hello all, My dad recently purchased a B-115 5 speed manual and I have been tasked with fixing it up. Tractor starts and runs fine but the drive belt keeps jumping off what appears to be an idler pulley, I am looking for a diagram of the belt assembly and a part number for the belt, I have not taken anything apart yet to see if the pulley is deformed or if the bearings are worn out. I was going to do a little bit of research first and try to get an idea of what the assembly is supposed to look like be fore taking it apart, the identification number is:02-11BP05-14168, any help and insight is greatly appreciated, thanks! Lang
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