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About MDJ
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  1. Here are some pictures of it. Sorry but I’ve already disassembled it some. It looks very similar to yours. Yes the serial number is stamped on the crankcase (see pic). The points are probably fine but I think the pushrod end is broken off. The only thing wrong with the maginito is it jumps spark at the bottom of the discharge wire. Maybe some heat shrink would fix it IDK. I appreciate your input. Thanks Matt
  2. Hello, I bought a O&R Tiny Tiger generator several years ago at an antique store and would like to clean it up and get it running again. The only numbers that are legible are the serial number #024548 and Type 111. Can anyone tell me what I have exactly and what year? The model number is worn off of the sticker but I think it may be a 250 or 300. Who has parts for this little bugger? I'm guessing I will need a carb rebuild kit, a points kit with the pushrod, maybe the magneto, maybe other items too...IDK Is there a service manual online someplace that would give step by step teardown and rebuild? I kind of would like to do this myself in the garage but if it is going to require specialty tools and machining I would be willing to ship it to someone with experience. Thanks for reading Matt
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