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Don Paradowski

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About Don Paradowski
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  1. What I want to do is to externally regulate the 12-volt circuit. I was thinking of using a modern solid external regulator or an old-fashioned type to control the power to a 12-volt battery directly. Controlling the rpm's is of no concern to me. I don’t care if the throttle setting is uncontrolled (other than the on-board governor). Basically, if the generator is producing too much power as the battery takes a charge, I want to wean off the electricity going to the battery. At that point, I am only wasting fuel but not cooking the battery. I can be reached directly if you wish at donparadowski@yahoo.com. Thanks.
  2. Are the models 300 and 350 regulated? If not, I would like to use an old fashioned external (or a modern electronic) voltage regulator. How can I do it? I can be reached directly at donparadowski@yahoo.com. Thanks.
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