Very good weekend was had by all, weather good. excellent turnout of machines ranging from trusty steeds, 1032 moto standard, couple of mg2's, down to
conquest mowers, and an excellent display area from Adrian and Stephen Hall and their sidekick Ian of working saw benches ranging from barford atom,
Mayfield allen sythe with saw bench and chain saw attachments on a wheel horse. An excellent club stand was put on by East Anglian NVTEC organised by
Mathew Hoy and his band of helpers which won 1st prize for club stand. Special congratulations go to Mathew Hoy as well for winning 1st with his
414 International. We took our Ransome MG2 with a TS42 plough, flea beetle, vibrohoe, 3 ransome lawn mowers to fit with the Ransome theme and the new Merlin as the chap we brought it from was visiting the show and when he saw it he thought we had done a pucker job with it so all were happy.