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About Dave4696
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  1. Thanks Factory. I do see that it's stamped 133 on the bottom. And it looks almost identical the the one you're showing CNew. No I got this from a public surplus auction here in Oregon. Anyone have an idea what the value might be? Here is some pics of the exact unit. if anyone is interested in it, let me know. I'm not completely glued to the unit. But if not I'll figure out some crazy project to use it in.. Thanks again for the help guys. Dave.
  2. Hey Everyone. Looks like I found a new home here.

    Can anyone help me identify this specifically? It's a new old stock item I ended up with and the info you see is what I have . No other printed info. I believe it's (correct me if I'm wrong) an O&R 13B?  





    motor 1.PNG

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