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About fieryteapot
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  1. Does anyone have any info on these machines? Thanks
  2. Hi everyone, I'm new here I recently purchased a versatiller fitted with a Suffolk 75cc engine. It's been stood outside many years and in a rather sorry state overall but complete. I've had chance to give a look over and so far found the following: Petrol cap completely rusted in place and had to be removed using vice grips, revealing a rather rusty fuel tank inside Pull start that doesn't recoil properly as it should and also doesn't always engage on the drive pin (suspect recoil spring needs replacing and the bit the drive pin is meant to catch on is worn away too). No spark, cleaned up the plug, unscrewed the plug cap, cleaned these up and had the flywheel off, cleaned the points but when turning the crankshaft over found the arm of the points wasn't really moving so possibly the cam lobe on the crank shaft has worn or something need to look into it a bit more. I would like to try and put a date to the engine if possible, the i.d plate is somewhat corroded but can see it's a 75 and possibly 6B for the model number? Questions I have is, what parts are available for these engines as it's been a few years since I owned a Suffolk engine machine and that was the slightly kater unit with the i.d as a sticker and had the black coil (this versatiller suffolk has the blood red earlier type coil). Is this actually the correct engine for this machine? Thanks Rob
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