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Mitch last won the day on March 4

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About Mitch
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    Cape cod Ma.
  1. I repaired the recoil, cleaned and gapped the points, repaired the spark plug wire and put a little gas in the carb and it fired right up. I forgot to plug in a drop light but I will tomorrow as I ran out of time. I will need a diaphragm carb kit, its stiff and dried out. B ut all the parts are there. Except of course the main jet.I don't think I need a reed valve.
  2. Hello Wallfish, Any luck finding a needle valve assembly.
  3. Hi, New to the forum and I am trying to restore my Tiny Tiger.. The problem I have is the carb needs a kit and is missing the high speed jet. I would like to purchase those if anyone has any for sale. Or maybe even a carb. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Hello everyone, I am new to the forum and looking forward to have fun restoring my Tiny Tiger Generator. The first thing I did was to degrease it and found that I am missing the carburetor jet. I was wondering if I could purchase that and a kit for the carburetor. Or if anyone knows where I could purchase a carb.
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