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About Haas99
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  1. Got some carb parts rom Webhad and got it running. The problem I'm having is it doesn't run consistently and the mixture screw/choke is VERY sensitive. I'm wondering if the seals are bad and allowing it to suck air.
  2. Pictures of engine off of Ford chainsaw. I believe it is a Ford Hawk. Next are pictures of the carburetor. I need a rebuild kit for the carburetor. The old diaphragm is stiff and the metering lever stopper is torn. Any help with these parts would be appreciated. Thank you
  3. Pictures of engine off of Ford chainsaw. I believe it is a Ford Hawk. Next are pictures of the carburetor. I need a rebuild kit for the carburetor. The old diaphragm is stiff and the metering lever stopper is torn. Any help with these parts would be appreciated. Thank you
  4. Thank you factory. I will post pictures in a new thread.
  5. Haas99


  6. I am working on restoring a Ford chainsaw manufactured by O&R engines. I believe it is a Ford Hawk. Do you know where I could get a carburetor rebuild kit? Thanks.
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