One of my customers want me to look after the management of the orchard in her garden as the other gardener is retiring at the end of the season. Robin does all the grass cutting there which she will farm out to another gardener to cut but she want me to create a conservation wild flower meadow in the wilder parts of her garden. To do this I need to acquire a sickle mower to cut the long grass and then rake it off to reduce the fertility. I could buy a modern sickle mower but these are downright expensive and I will not have call to use it that often. I could strim it of course but the sickle mower is the way forward and less intrusive noise wise.
I have thought about buying a Oxford Allen Scythe or a Mayfield equivalent version. Have anyone got one or another vintage scythe mower they are using to cut their long grass? How good is the cut and how easy are the parts to obtain? The Oxford Allen scythe is the more common one to buy so parts should be fairly easy to source I suspect. I do have a Haban sickle mow to attach to a garden tractor but need to buy the right Bolens for this to happens and in any case space is restrictive to use a GT with a sickle mower.
Thanks in advance.