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Everything posted by Scottwilson
  1. What does it need to make it complete and work Chris ?
  2. Let me know if you do want to shift it on 👍
  3. Very useful . I’ve even just been on eBay to see if I can find one . No joy though
  4. To be honest they are for looks more than anything. The only sticky place it will get is a wet show ground of a bit of snow in winter.
  5. I have my grease gun at the ready and I’ll be going over it with a fine tooth comb. The correct service manual would be very useful 👍
  6. Scottwilson

    Tyre sizes

    Can anyone tell me if these will fit my horse without fouling the bodywork it’s a 512-d https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F263523107585
  7. Right folks I’m going to try to treat myself once a month to something for my horse it’s the 1986 512-d (300series?) I’m looking to add a trailer is top of my list . cutting deck,snow plough,spare set of wheels with agricultural tyres and any other attachments they done for it . Firstly I’d need to know what you have and how much please . I’m in Kent but can travel a reasonable distance or wait for a show to collect .
  8. Scottwilson


  9. Are this and the frame compatible or do they need modifications to make them fit together? Also would it fit my model ?
  10. Looks like a fantastic machine . I like the fact it’s unusual.
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