My 1957 Trojan 'Toraktor' is still missing. See pic. Any info to; Tim (at) Permanden co.uk or 01580 211376. Many Thanks, TCS.
My Trojan 'Toraktor' circa 1957,, is still missing. See picabove. Any info ot sightings to; Tim (at) Permanden.co.uk.
Many Thanks. TCS.
Good morning Nigel, You may well be right of course but there is no harm in keeping looking is there. Another enthusiast found his stolen Fergy after many years missing!
I can positively identify my Toraktor from the mods I made when I restored it. Regards, TCS.
Still looking for my Trojan 'Toraktor' !!! And it's now 2024 and not found. TCS.
As of June 2024 my Trojan 'Toraktor' is STILL missing. See above. Any sightings to; 01580 211376. Many Thanks, TCS.
Mine was stolen. See pic.
Any info gratefully received.
Many Thanks, TCS.
Hallo Winget,
I just noted your interest in Trojan 'Toraktors'. My Trojan Mk 1 was stolen out of our garage some years ago. I am attaching a pic. It is easily identifiable if it should turn up in your area. Keep an eye out for it in your travels as I would like it back!
Tim Sargeant, 01580 211376 OR: Tim (at) Permanden .co .uThanks, TCS.

Hallo John,
I note you are looking for a Trojan 'Toraktor'.
Some years ago my Mk 1 was stolen from our garage here in Kent.
I have added a pic below.
Please keep an eye out for this in your travels.
Regards, Tim Sargeant, Goudhurst, Kent.
01580 211376 or: Tim (at) Permanden .co .uk
Hallo again to all readers of this forum,
I am just giving this another 'push' as the show season will be on us again soon. - My TROJAN 'Toraktor' is STILL missing!
Do please keep a look-out for this little machine in your travels. See pic above. Unfortunately I can't get round to ALL the shows!
Does anyone know of one of these for sale as I now have grandchildren who would love to take one to the Hadlow Down show.
Regards to all,
Tim Sargeant. Goudhurst, Kent.....( Tim @ Permanden .co .uk ) OR: Phone: 01580 211376.
Hallo again all you tractor enthusiasts,
Just to say that my 1957 Trojan 'Toraktor' is still MISSING and another year has passed.
I have been to many shows and given out several hundred 'STOLEN' leaflets but it still hasn't turned up.
Just to remind you here's a pic so you know just what it is we are looking for. It can easily be identified from my own personal modifications.
According to the police the thieves had connections in Norfolk, Somerset and Cornwall.
Many Thanks for any help. Tim Sargeant, Goudhurst, Kent. 01580 211376

To all our readers:
My Trojan Toraktor Mk1 is still missing. See pic above. I recently heard a rumour that it had been seen in the Herts or Bedfordshire area.
Unfortunately the person who gave me that information suddenly went quiet! Why was that I wonder?
Any sightings to, Tim (at) Permanden (dot) co (dot) uk
Many Thanks. TCS.
Just been re-reading about my Stolen Trojan Toraktor. No leads yet I'm afraid. Hope you are all looking out for it. Regards and Thanks to all readers. TCS.
Good to meet all of you at Biddenden Tractor Fest today and apologies to anyone I missed. Too much time spent talking and I didn't leave until 7:30pm with a sore throat!
I didn't realise how many other people had also found themselves suffering at the hands of thieves. It seems that nothing is sacred these days!
Doesn't matter what it is some bugger will take it away from you if they get the chance.
Anyway I met some very interesting people and handed out fifty of my leaflets so let's hope that my tractor will turn up sometime.
Regards to all, TCS.
HeadExam, That is what the Police said too. It will be stashed away until the criminals think it's been forgotten about and then sold a few years down the line. The internet is thankfully international so people overseas are reading these forums. PS: Here in good old England we are still on miles, The continental so & so's have nicked our yards, feet and inches but us old buggers still deal in those!
Chris. That is what we thought when someone said it might have been nicked to order. Good spotting on your part though. I regularly run a search for 'Trojan' though Google to see what turns up. Ours comes up in most of the pages with pics on. Have a look if you like, it's the one with the old bloke driving it and it's on the StolenModels.org page with me on it. Regards to all.
Hi Nigel, Good to hear from you. It was you who put me onto this forum last year but I only just got round to doing anything about it. I've looked in a couple of times but all closed up.
All the Best to you and wife. Tim.
Is it the 'mature' you are commenting on or the 'gentleman'? I am afraid most of us fit into both those categories these days. TCS.
I might have a go at those then this year if wifey doesn't want to go elsewhere! TCS.
PS: There seem to be several of these down in Dorset but I've never been to that show either.
Went past once and it went on for miles.Had several 'phone calls from down there.
Thanks Stormin, That's very kind of you. I haven't done Biddenden since they used to have the 'Biddenden Spectacular' there, but we went past last year and it looked as if it was going well!
You see you get to an age when all the walking round these shows in the heat just gets too much. My wife has already had two new knees! Strange that there's two of you from Cumbria who've responded. I appreciate what you are saying about the time factor but I've had more responses about it in the last couple of years than I had when it first went missing. The 'phone will ring one day and it will be the right one wherever it is. Just got to keep on looking. Someone suggested it might have been stolen to order and gone to Holland but that was only a suggestion as it was well hidden in a garage that is seldom opened so no-one could have known where it was. I think they just stumbled across it while looking for mowers to nick as they didn't steal brand new boxes of CCTV stuff which was stored in there. Thanks for your response though. How would I recognise you then if I do go to Biddenden or Sedlescombe as they're both quite close. I try to give it a bit more publicity at the start of the Show season every year but I can't get to them all. I would like to get it back as we now have grandchildren. Regards to you. TCS.
What you have said is very relevant; When some of these blokes were nicked it was because they sold a Honda mower to someone who went and ordered some parts for it Hondas had it recorded as stolen against the chassis / engine number. When the police raided their sales place here in Kent they found machinery stolen from as far afield as Cornwall and Leicestershire.
The caravan they were using as an office had been nicked from a site in Cornwall! They were also selling stolen stuff at the big agricultural sales at Wincanton where they were exchanging machines stolen in Kent with similar stolen in the West Country. Most of our stuff is now postcoded but it's too late for the tractor! Often in your area Wristpin, New Romney and Greatstone, RH&DR etc and will be going up the lighthouse there tomorrow with grandchild . TCS.
Thanks for that suggestion. Unfortunately these Trojans didn't seem to have a chassis plate and I have no idea of the engine number for the Newton engine or where it would be found.
There wasn't any ID on the chassis. The distinguishing features to identify mine are the mods I did myself when restoring it including several not mentioned in the leaflet above.
Also, when it was stolen we realised we didn't have a decent photo of it ourselves. The one shown above was taken by someone at the local school fete with my daughter giving rides to the tiny tots. The trailer was knocked up the night before the fete and later painted to match the tractor and we've still got that.
Two or three of these have turned up on eBay in dismantled state, one was only about five miles away from here but not ours. Haven't been up your way for several years Expeatfarmer, nice part of the country.
Thanks, and keep looking!
Yes thanks for that suggestion. I can also send anyone hard copy of my leaflet. I have sent out loads of these over the years and keep getting responses but not ours so far unfortunately.
Would you chaps like to do that? Regards, TCS.
Many Thanks for that HeadExam.
I really don't understand the finesse of these things!
I'd be very surprised if it should turn up your side of the pond though.
I put this on hoping it will catch the eye of the many UK readers.
Best Regards though, TCS.
Hallo to you all!
I am posting this on your forum as the rally and show season is upon us again.
Our 1956 Trojan 'Toraktor' Mk1 was stolen from our garage here in Kent in 1999. It hasn't as yet been found although the Police have said it will turn up somewhere if we keep on looking.
SOMEONE MUST know where this is as they are too few now to just disappear. It was in restored condition with some of my own improvements not to be seen on standard models.
These included; New bonnet which did not have the holes for exhaust and petrol filler and the front was not cut out for the grille as I couldn't obtain the correct mesh.
It was fitted with the later 'NEWTON' engine, basicly the same as the Clinton but with pull type recoil start and different petrol tank. Newton engine is BLUE and marked 'Easy Spin Starting'.
I fitted proper little ball joints to it to improve the steering and it didn't have a cover over the belt and chain drive as I never got round to making one. The bodywork was all new mouldings and
the seat was fitted direct onto the rear part and NOT adjustable. So it differs substantially from original. I am attaching a couple of photos.
If anyone should come across this I wouod be grateful to hear from you. All responses in confidence of course. SOMEONE has got it somewhere!
Also stolen was a 1935 pedal car which was recovered when one of them tried to sell it to a local Motor Museum. The Police did then put some 'names in the frame' in connection with this and
these people appear to have had connections in Lincolnshire, Somerset, and Cornwall.
Many Thanks for reading this. Regards, Tim Sargeant, Goudhurst, Kent. 01580 211376
Trojan Toraktor.bmp
Third image didn't seem to download. Sorry! If anyone interested I can send hard copy of my leaflet for you to keep by you.