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About Kamuro
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  1. Kamuro

    O&R generator parts

    Cool, thank you for the information. Then it is likely that it came from them. I tried to find som information on that company, but it is not mentioned that much anywhere. You seam to sitt on allot of nice information on these little engines. Nice to know. These engines was totally unknown to me just a few month ago. But once I got this little generator, I just love them. Love the craft, and the way they are build. A bit addictive actually.
  2. Kamuro

    O&R generator parts

    Thank you for the information. It might bee 220v. I have no way of actually telling. There is no marking on the generator. But the outlet is not compatible with 220v. I gues I will have to test this when I get this thing started. I will let you guys know.
  3. Kamuro

    O&R generator parts

    Thank you for the information. It might bee 220v. I have no way of actually telling. There is no marking on the generator. But the outlet is not compatible with 220v. I gues I will have to test this when I get this thing started. I will let you guys know.
  4. Kamuro

    O&R generator parts

    Thank you. You have a really nice forum here. Allot of interesting diskussion. I will take some photos of it. It's a bit funny to find it here in Sweden. As far as I know, it's a 119v Gen. But we have 220v here. I actually tested the ebay link you sent me. It was possible for them to send to Sweden. So thank you for that. Regards Dave
  5. Kamuro

    O&R generator parts

    I will take a photo if the outlet tomorrow. But it's is the one without ground. Just two slots. I'm from Sweden.
  6. Hi there, My name is Dave, and I am looking for a spare ceramic power outlet, and cylinder baffles for a o&r generator. Anyone here that might have spares? Regards Dave
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