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Douglas burrows

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About Douglas burrows
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  1. Yes. I didn’t think it would work. So. Found out it did. Which is great. Yellow and black. Is great. And here is Karcher and summerhouse.
  2. Well. Fiddled about. Connected spare wire to earth. Cut the one going behind flywheel. And cut the one to throttle stop and connected it to a proper earth. As usual I hold spark plug lead and pull string. Bam!! Nearly fell offer . Yes!!! Great a good spark. And I seeing stars. So it’s going. But under load still struggling. Must be fuel. Yep u guessed it. The filler cap hole was blocked. Very restricted airflow. So sorted. Well done everyone. And it fits in well with bike and car.
  3. Yes sounds good. I will try this today. And see what happens. Fingers crossed. Will let you know laters.
  4. Yep it had been restored but he had problems with points so added magnet thing. As I said I had it going and did garden but conked out a lot under load. And very fussy to start. Then just gave up. So engine and carb ok. But I can hold the spark lead and give it a crank and all I get is a small buzz. ☹️
  5. Ok so first turn the coil thing around. Then connect useless wire to an earth. This seems like an essential step. One black goes behind flywheel and the other black goes to throttle linkage. Probably when throttle is off it makes or breaks a connection that shuts off engine. All seems a bit touch and go. Can I remove this wire. ? Ok here is he electric but. One wire goes behind and another to beside throttle linkage. But they both from same source. And there is strange connection that goes nowhere. Am not good with wires.
  6. Ok here is he electric but. One wire goes behind and another to beside throttle linkage. But they both from same source. And there is strange connection that goes nowhere. Am not good with wires.
  7. Yep thanks. There is a flooding leak so stripped carb and diaphragm and flaps are fine. jets clear. It has a electronic sparked can’t remember name but looks like a magnet with wires coming out. (Mind block). Will take a pic tomorrow. But I do think it is something to do with the conversion from points to this coil thing. 🙄
  8. Yes. I know they r many differences. Appears to be flooding as well but it did run for half an hour today. Which was good. Just took carb and tank off. Have to fiddle with the mixture. Quite a bit. And the spark plug is black. Sooty. Think it may be electrica. Weak spark. Because if not sparking at all now.
  9. Hi there just bought a cultimatic deluxe it is very nice and hopefully serviced. Problem is. It is not easy to start. Eventually get it running and alarms to run fine with choke on then half and screw in the mixture. but if I touch throttle or choke it just fades. And dies. Then takes a while to go again. Does anyone have any experience of this and hopefully a solution. Thank you. Dd
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