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About marxter1
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  1. Thank you for responding. The gaskets all gasket, diaphragm, oring, material seems completely intact and reusable.
  2. Yes I can send later. It's basically one of the 2 "ears" , broken off flat faced mounting flange like manifold to head on 4stroke. And I'm pretty sure I dropped a little bb' from carb diaphragm chamber. Thank you for your help. It is much appreciated. Is the a model or year issue I should know?
  3. Thank you John . I will reach out to them when I dig it out of my garage and get pics and numbers. Have a great day
  4. marxter1


  5. Are there any current members that could help me with proper identifying of my vintage chain saw. I can provide pics and serial numbers. I have good compression, and spark. Base of carb mounting flange cracked. Thought about JB weld fix. And hand surface flat. And I think a little, "bb' , is missing from the diaphragm chamber, though the gaskets seem to remain playable enough. If you're out there. I can get photos and numbers to you. Thank you for taking a look at my post. Mark Etheridge 707-858-0119
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