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nigel last won the day on January 18

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About nigel
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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/13/1915
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    kent england
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  1. nigel


    Buy it then 😂
  2. Go to face book look up Vintage Horticulture machinery group, there are plenty of people on there that have them
  3. Use a couple of longer bolts to pull the wheel together then swap them after you have tightened the shorter ones in the other holes
  4. Where do you live Mike ?

  5. nigel

    Bolens 613

    Plenty of farcebook groups to cover that
  6. nigel


    Yes it’s a mk2 Trojan if it’s for sale ime intrested
  7. I think you might find points under the flywheel
  8. Hope we are going to see a video of it running Richard
  9. Hi Peter I would be interested in that at the right price I would like to see some photos please
  10. Try Tich at machinery decals good service.
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