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About Likelylad
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  1. Good evening stormin. I live in Tonbridge Kent. My horses are all stable up for winter will get photos when let out . I have got one raider ten show.tractor . One raider fourteen with winch show tractor. One wheel horse 312-8 working machine. One wheel horse c-141 with snow blade and grader blade all fitted.two toros one pulling tractor one with cutting deck both working machines. One 1960 fordson Dexter again a working machine Regards Richard
  2. Good evening stormin if you saw my garden you would understand why I rock my tractors to and from I do leave them overnight as well Regards Richard
  3. Hi I have just joined the club the reading is very interesting when I change oil in rear axle before I add new oil I rinse rear axle with diesel by rocking tractor forward and backwards just thought I would let you know Regards Richard
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