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    UnicycleParrot reacted to Wallfish in O&R Questions   
    RPM at full throttle is 6300 So yeah, they scream a little bit
    Governor is never "guaranteed" but they seem to work very well. I've never had one fail while the engine is running. It's controlled by the spring on the bottom of the carb.  No adjustments are available on those older versions. Newer ones have a lever that can adjust tension on the spring
    Diaphragm should be soft and pliable for best results. Wrinkles indicate it's probably old and stiff.
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    UnicycleParrot got a reaction from Wallfish in O&R Questions   
    I'm back!!!
    I have had a busy summer, and i am finally getting around to posting this.
    I have replaced the crusty old spark plug insulation (2 layers of shrink tubing)

    Also, I had problems with fuel system, so I properly modified it. (maybe epoxy isn't proper I guess)

    Also, because  I have access to a mill, I can make a compex shape for a motor mount.

    I also have one question. 
    Is the air vane governor guaranteed to work?
    I say this because I had it running today, and it sounded like it was trying to go pretty fast (maybe hitting 2000rpm) 
    Now, I know that these engines can hit around 5000rpm idle, I just didn't have my tach hooked up at the moment, and I didn't want to risk any damage.
    Can I just start it up and then walk away expecting the governor to work first time without any tweaking?
    Also, should my carburetor diaphragm be kind-of wrinkly? I believe it is the original diaphragm and it has not been replaced.
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    UnicycleParrot got a reaction from CNew in O&R Questions   
    Hello everyone.
    I have experience in small engine repair (mainly 4 stroke) on engines no older than 15 years old. I know how 2 stroke engines work too.  I have recently obtained an old O&R engine, which seems to be in great shape.
    I do not know what the engine originally came off of, it also has no markings on it with a model number (or any number for that matter).
    One question I have is about the carburetor. Every carburetor picture I have seen on this forum has a red primer button, and a slotted jet on the top. Mine, however, has no primer button or a slotted adjustable jet on the top. Instead, there is a non-slotted knurled screw.
    I am also confused, because my unit does not seem to have any off switch, to stop the spark.
    Additionally, I am curious as to what the single point is for on an engine like this is for. On all the modern engines that I have worked on, there are no points.
    I have attached some pictures too for you to look at.
    By the way, I have not attempted to start it yet, as I am somewhat unsure of what fuel ratio it needs.

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