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About Paul53uk
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  1. Hi I have a Landmaster L150 does anyone have a photograph showing the set up of the linkages from the governor arm to the throttle linkage on the amal carburetor. I am having trouble with mine since the governor was adjusted and i',m sure its not connected correctly.
  2. Paul53uk


  3. HI, I have a Landmaster 150l fitted with a Villers 16h engine, the engine has a Wipac series 161 magneto, does anyone have any information on timing this engine?, how many degrees BTDC should the points be opening? Any data on the 161 series magneto would be much appreciated. Thx Paul
  4. I do have a operators/parts manual for the Landmaster 150, I can scan the book and create a PDF file give me an email address and I can send it to you, unless this site has an archive I could place it in? thx Paul
  5. Hi, I have a Landmaster 150 do you still need this info?
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