nylyon 171 #1 Posted June 8, 2013 Shortly before Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast last year, I was able to get a 9Kw generator in the event of a power failure. It's a noisy little bugger so my intention is to build an enclosure for it. I purchased a large plastic shed which easily holds the generator (and a few gas cans) and I plan to equip it with vents with fans for cooling, insulation for sound reduction, and fitting for an external exhaust with automotive muffler and tall stack. I've seen these things on the internet so I know it will work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wallfish 700 #2 Posted June 8, 2013 Good idea, I need to do something like that too, "When I get around to it" of coarse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M 7 #3 Posted June 20, 2013 Sounds like a good Idea Karl. Are power outages happening more often for you guys out east? Are you going to hard wire this in to the electical load center of your residence? Just curious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nylyon 171 #4 Posted June 20, 2013 We lost power last week for about 2 hours. I did fire up the generator which essentially powered the house. It is wired into the house (not back fed) but it isn't enough to run EVERYTHING, but we have heat, hot water, television (we have satellite) and lights. I have even turned a burner or 2 on the electric stove and the generator handled it with ease. I bought it when Sandy was on its way, but we really didn't lose power during the storm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M 7 #5 Posted June 20, 2013 Whenever you finish that generator shed Karl I'd love to see pics.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amcrules00 24 #6 Posted January 25, 2014 Me too Karl. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nylyon 171 #7 Posted January 26, 2014 I did buy a good sized shed to store the generator in. I haven't made any modifications to it but would really like to do so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites