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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Another load.

    The field opposite has not been used for a couple of years. There is a drainage ditch running through it and two years ago the banks were cleared of tree's and bushes. Those were just pushed to one side and left. I got a few loads of firewood out of it last year. Last night a contractor I know, was cutting back the undergrowth round the edges, ready for fencers to come. The farmer who is going to rent it is going to reseed it and graze sheep in it. This uncovered some more timber I could not get at. This morning before it got too hot, I went in with chainsaw, Sears and trailer. Half an hour and I had a full load. Maybe some more later as the fencers clear more undergrowth.
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