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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Lane clearing.

    At a bit of a loss what to do yesterday. Then I had a thought. I'll cut back the first half of the bridleway. It had got somewhat overgrown. So out with the C-81 and finger bar. Nice steady pass down. Low 1st. Then back up. Tackled the remaining section of the bridleway this afternoon. The start. The far end. Ready to start back from the far end. After the return. After two passes with the C-125 and mowing deck. The deck was set a little high as the track is pretty rough at the far end. Not bad for two hours work. Now when we get the new pup, we can walk her down without tripping over briars and brambles, or getting stung by nettles. If I mow every fortnight it should stay clear. There's some big ruts at the far end and they'll get filled in over time. There was just one down side. Got a thorn in the LH front tyre on the C-125.
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