I have been working out at a quarry lately .
Company policy says no photos ,so can't show any of the operation .
Basicly it is a limestone quarry . Rock is blasted then loaded with a 120 ton excavator . 100 ton dump trucks haul up to the crusher stockpile. They cart up around 7000 tons per 10 hour shift with 2 dump trucks .
Cat 988F feeds the crusher , it then goes through various screens and wash plants . Each product is then stockpiled .I think there is about 6 loaders that stockpile and load out trucks .
My son and myself have been screening oversize rock . He pulls down a stockpile with a 30 ton excavator and pulls out 500 to 800 MM rocks , the rest is stockpiled to be put through the rock screen . I was on a cat 988B loader ,. so pick up the rock weigh it and stockpile it .
Next we screened the other rock .Son was feeding the rock screen with the excavator .Screen has a Grizzly bar to top so over 300 mm rock slid off and i could pick it up weigh and stockpile . The rockscreen has 3 discharge conveyors from zero to 75 mm out one . 75 to 150 out the second and 150 to 300 out the 3rd .
Lucky me got to pick up ,weigh and stockpile the 4 products ..Plus bring the rock closer to the excavator to feed the screen .Kept me busy to say the least .
We then moved over to another stockpile ,This time to crush to make roadbase .We have a Cat D9L to push up to the 30 ton excavator .Excavator feeds an Impact crusher with onboard screen .Roadbase comes off the end conveyor Oversize gets fed into a cone crusher then back to the screen .
I weigh and stockpile the roadbase and bring the zero to 75 mm rock from the rock screen stockpile over the add to the the rock to be crushed .