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Rich last won the day on February 14 2020

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About Rich
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    Old Motorcycles
  1. Well....David, that is amazing! I am away from at the moment but have removed the tank and will measure it as soon as I get back and let you know directly. Re the pump, mine is almost brass coloured but I have only paid scant attention to it in the initial clean so I am more than likely completely off base. Will be back to you in a few days. Cheers and thanks to you all Rich. PS have come up with a small potential modification to allow me to use engine to power one of my Honda’s....
  2. Ha!😝 by the sound of it you guys can’t resist yourselves. Makes interesting reading regardless..... have started to gently remove the years of grime and while I still have lots more to do, it is already looking a little healthier....o
  3. Thanks again. Is there a reference I can go to to identify what year this little thing was made, I hate being a hassle for anyone and I am sure David has way more important things to do than worry about my little issue.
  4. Hey thanks for the response and the excellent direction. Under lots of oily dust I found the numbers exactly as you said. It says it is a type 118 with a code # of 069131. Really appreciate your help. Cheers Rich Hey CNew, (Name unknown sorry) That sounds brilliant, you do realise that you would need to send it to me in Brisbane Australia??? Hope that won’t be an issue. Cheers Rich
  5. Rich


  6. Hi there, being a complete novice in this field, I was just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. I have just become the current keeper of a fairly well used Ohlsson and Rice engine with water pump attached. Condition is not great so some remedial therapy is going to be required. I have seen some Identification codes on other posts but suspect partial dismantling will be required to get to a clear view of the crank case. So before starting to pull it down, can anyone confirm any of the following from the images: Model, approximate year of construction (I appreciate that pre 67 this is not easy but I am not even sure it is pre 67) whether the little pump and tank with what appears to be a premix plunger are original or modifications, availability of rebuild parts (which I suspect is like my pre 60’s Honda parts nice on impossible to get) Many thanks for your considerations. Cheers Rich
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