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Everything posted by 1967Craftsman's
  1. Now onto the pull start power unit, this is my stepfathers tractor and HE is honestly doing the work to this one. NOT me, since it is currently his and I am working on my own. I was the shower last year with it, anyways September 4th 2020...... the engine was taken off of the tractor and cleaned. I unfortunately do not have many pictures of the engine just before and after. Before-
  2. The tractors present state on September 29th 2020...... Painting the spindles also because they were a very dark yellow that looked orange. More to come on this one at a hopefully soon but later date, stay tuned for more. Now onto the pull start power unit........
  3. All the painted parts, the pictures were taken September 19th 2020......
  4. Onto the engine now, September 14th 2020. I took off the air cleaner cover and some part on top of the motor but not sure what you call it to blast and paint them........
  5. September 13th 2020..... After further inspection I noticed that something else was wrong with the paint on the hitch. It was lifting so I took it off and sandblasted it, I unfortunately do not have pictures of it blasted though.
  6. August 29th 2020, filler time for the steering wheel. The filler was put on and I let it sit for about an hour then used a little wheel to get the access crap from the filler off to smooth it out......
  7. August 27th 2020...... Steering wheel is off and getting fixed as well. A huge crack in it, it was filled with fiberglass filler. See next reply below.
  8. August 25th 2020..... scrapped bubbled paint off the right side by the front of the frame and the foot rest and primered it, and primered the left foot rest as it was hardly painted. I also took the dash board off to redo it......
  9. August 22th 2020...... Seat bracket taken off and sandblasted. It was the wrong color so it is now repainted
  10. Lets start with the electric start power unit, and please keep in mind I am NOT restoring this tractor as it already was done when I bought it. I am just fixing things the previous owner did wrong or incorrectly and making it the best it could be and to my liking. My personal goal although maybe too optimistic is to hopefully win a Best In Show trophy with it when complete. August 17th 2020......Got the battery box, and front nose off and sanblasted them.
  11. Hey Y'all, This is a thread of my 1967 Craftsman tractor projects. If you have not seen them already here is a little history on em....... Pull Start Power Unit- Although not officially mine yet, this tractor has now been 3 generations owned since new. My stepfathers grandfather bought it new in 1967 then it was passed down to my stepfathers father, then it was passed down to my stepfather. In 2018 it was resurrected and brought back to life after sitting for 25+ years under a tarp in the backyard. The very first time out at our local fairs 70th annual fair and not 100% finished yet in 2018, it won the "Most Original Tractor" award. It is a 10 horsepower Tecumseh engine with a 3 speed plus reverse transmission. Electric Start Power Unit- I am the 3rd owner of this mighty fine machine, I bought it August 9th 2020/ It was for sale not too far from me in Cheshire Connecticut. I was coming home from my grandfathers house on my mothers side one day, and I spotted it on the side of the road and had to pull over to look at it since it looked exactly like the pull start Craftsman I have already. Little did I know it was for sale, and that said I HAD TO have it and is one of the main reasons. Well that and the electric start. I went back 2 times to look at it and negotiate before finally striking a deal with the 2nd owner. The 2nd owner told me he bought it at an auction and started a restoration before he retired in about 2007, he also told me that the first owner was a farmer. It has headlights, electric start, and also a 10 horsepower Tecumseh engine with 3 speeds and reverse. Here are some pictures for everybody......
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