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About SoCalFD
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  1. I’m going to dump the remnants of my Toby Cart. If anyone is interested in a few parts, message me. I’m open to any offers and shipping will be at actual cost. Thanks!
  2. Hey guys. I’ve been going through some of my Dad’s old stuff and came across this Toby Cart board. Obviously it has seen better days! It has been exposed to the elements here in California for a good 20 years. My father has owned it since the 60’s, it was complete and functional into the 80’s, but burglars stole the motor. As you can see, the aluminum parts are there. Everything is original. The front trucks are frozen, one side handle is missing. The throttle plate on the nose is there. The board is split, but can be used as a pattern to make a new board. The throttle rod is not pictured, but I do have it. It’s rusty, and appears to be cut when the clowns stole the motor unit. Does someone need spare parts? My dad told me these are rare. My web search led me here, so I thought I’d give it a shot.
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