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About grumps
  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/10/1942
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    North Yorkshire
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  1. grumps

    W H B115

    Hi Meadowfield, Will it be O K to leave the A C wire not connected to anything? Regards Colin. P S Thanks for the wiring diagram.
  2. grumps

    W H B115

    Hi Meadowfield. Thank you for your reply and advice. I think I will go with your idea and go straight to the battery. Do you mean that the A C wire goes direct to the battery terminal ? Look forward to your reply. Colin
  3. grumps

    W H B115

    Hi everyone. Not been on here for a while. Just getting the mower ready for the the grass cutting season so I thought I would tidy up the wiring behind the dashboard. I`ve downloaded the wiring diagram and sorted out everything bar the A C supply to the headlights, I cant work out the reason for A C for the headlights, must they be connected or can the wire be left doing nothing? Any help would be much appreciated Colin (Grumps)
  4. grumps


  5. grumps

    B 115 Gearbox

    Will do photos when I can pluck up enough courage to start!
  6. grumps

    B 115 Gearbox

    Hi Meadowfield I've found a diagram of the 822 gearbox, so it's time to get the spanners out! Colin.
  7. grumps

    B 115 Gearbox

    Thanks for your replies. It's a Peerless 822 transmission and it looks to me that the only way is to split the casing. Is this a common problem or am I just unlucky? Any ideas where I can get diagram of the 822 transmission? Regards Colin
  8. grumps

    B 115 Gearbox

    Hi Everyone. Got a problem with the gearbox on my B115. It can be difficult to find the correct gear but once it's found it will stay in that gear. Has anyone got an idea what's wrong and how to fix it? Any help would be much appreciated. Regards Colin.
  9. Hi everyone. Many thanks for your replies. The engine seized because I forgot to check the oil. I took the engine apart and separated the con rod from the crank after a struggle, I then managed to dig the bits of metal from the con rod, polished the crank and con rod. (I know it's not the right way to do things) anyway it felt pretty good so I put it all back together. It runs O K and is not making any noises, did 2 hours mowing on Saturday, no problems. I don't know how long it will last though. I will bear in mind your 11hp B&S Stormin as I think I might need it one day. Regards Grumps.
  10. Hi Everyone. Does any have or know where I can get a con rod for my 11hp B&S engine for my B115. It needs to be 30th oversize, They still make 20th oversize but not 30th anymore, Any help would much appreciated. Regards Grumps (Colin)
  11. Hi All. Managed to find a lump of cast iron in my scrap box so I've made a new blade boss Thanks to Anglo Traction for the info on the weight of a Wheel Horse. The drive belt has been replaced and now works fine Many thanks for your help. Regards, Grumps.
  12. No luck yet putting photo of blade boss on here, Grandkids didn't come round at the weekend. I can E mail them to someone on here if they wouldn't mind putting them on for me. While I'm here can someone tell me the weight of Wheel Horse B 115 with a 36" mower deck and also the correct size of the transmission belt Grumps..
  13. Hi Wristpin. The blade has a single hole 1" diam and 7/8" across the flats, is that what you mean by double D? it's 24 + 3/4" long with the ends turned up behind the cutting edge. Regards Grumps.
  14. haven't managed to get photo's on here yet, Probably have to get the Grandchildren to help me at the weekend. I live in Bickerton, North Yorkshire, which is 3 miles east of Wetherby but have a West Yorkshire post code? Grumps.
  15. Hi Wristpin. Thanks for your reply. I will go out to the shed later on and take photo's of the bits and try to put them on here, My computer skills are not very good, but I will try! Grumps.
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