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About godfreystu
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  1. Ps dot not ask me how i got a photo of the gate on here.
  2. Hi, Sten i have had a word with the man i bought the machine off and he said it was bought in 1972 new so it is 44yrs old.He also said that he had trouble with the tap a few years ago so he took it apart and found that the rubber washer was split so he discarded it and put a fiber washer in its place as a spacer as you can see in the photos.The reason i wanted to sort it out was that it was always flooding,but he told me that it did that regularily and it was the needle valve sticking and if you just gave the carb a tap it would free it.So i am going to clean the needle and put back as is.I have tried several dealers and they all say it is obsolete.
  3. Hi Sten As promised, I have attached the photos. Please note, there are two outlets shown on picture 4. There are no markings.
  4. Hi,Sten i will take a photo tomorrow and post it
  5. Hi, i have 30yr old honda G50 rotavator & am looking for a fuel tap which has a filter attached for it It is 187cc engine.The tap on mine will not turn off. I was wondering if any of the members on here know of anyone breaking similar machine or where i can get parts from. cheers Stuart
  6. godfreystu


    The problem i have is i work weekends as an outside bar caterer and that weekend is busy with 4 different bars funeral Friday 2 parties Saturday and an anniversary Sunday. My only way of doing it is to bring it down Friday night and leave it with you and pick it up Sunday evening.Would this be possible? Obviously i would cover any costs incurred. Stu.
  7. godfreystu


    Hi I bought a mg2 18 months ago it did run until we got it to the trailer and i have not got it to start since, mainly due to work commitments.My knowledge of machines is limited and would like to know if there is someone within 20 miles of Peterborough who could help me get it started. I am willing to put it on my trailer and bring it. Thanks Stu
  8. godfreystu


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