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About Timm
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    Jackson. TN
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  1. Timm


  2. Timm

    Governor vane

    Am I to understand this last photo is of a correct vane position? That is what I really want to know.
  3. I have noticed trouble with sticking governor vanes. My solution was to file the shaft until it cleared the motor body where it has a tendency to hang up. It took very little filing, only a few thousandths. As well, the throttle tends to hang up on the carb body when you twist the throttle to full (this is an outboard motor). Two solutions here and maybe both. I adjusted the cable push so it falls short of pushing the carb butterfly valve to hit the carb body. As well, slight bending of the vane on the butterfly valve to make sure it clears the carb body when it goes to full open. Anyone else have sexperience?
  4. Any one know how to open the case and repair the chain oiler pump?
  5. Timm

    Chip A Saw

    Just for info, that chip a saw chain is 12 gauge, 3/8 links, 40 links on a 10" bar. Not too much bar for the motor to pull.
  6. The canoe, loaded. In choppy water twisting to mount a heavy outboard is delicate. Seldom have a portage/launch point that allows mounting the motor on dry land.
  7. I have the clip but getting the right position is trial and error, mostly error.
  8. Yes, the exhaust position puzzles me as well. The newer three blade is that hole in front of the prop. The older one has holes in the sides of the exhaust pipe.
  9. One problem I have had with both engines is in the correct governor position. Also, the twist throttle can be set wrong and jamb the carb butterfly valve wide open. At the time I took those pictures I only had one governor blade and had to switch back and forth. Not good. I've since got more parts and need to make a second effort with that plastic one.
  10. Just for comparison here are two outboards. The older one, red, has a two bladed prop and a smaller tank that will run about 30 minutes. The newer one has a three bladed prop. Haven't been able to get a continuous run on it. Both move a 15 ft canoe at about 5 mph
  11. I have now accumulated enough engines to mix and match for the outboard and chain saw. I have also got a mixed bag of different parts. Does anyone know how to identify the different motors? a search online came up with this. a "Compact 1" engine, 1.25 x 1.032, 1.26 CID, 20.648 CC, rated at 3/4hp a "Compact 2" motor 1.25 x 1.096 1.34 CID, 21.959 CC (call it 22 cc) rated at .85 hp a "Compact 2" also rated at 1 hp but no change in CID. So how do I identify the different motors and is that last one for real? The only way I know to up the HP on an engine w/o increasing the displacement is to increase the RPM or torque which involves the governor and the carburetor. How do I know the difference? The outboard motor moves my canoe at 5 mph and that is fine. But the chainsaw will always need more power so how to get it? ....and a picture just for fun.
  12. Timm

    Chip A Saw

    I do see there are issues with these old O & R. On the other hand, I complicated my life on the trail with two different machines, which means two sets of tools and if I take the Husquarna even metric as well as SAE. At least with two O & R machines I'll only need one set of tools and one fuel mix. I would guess in one trip I put but an hour use on the saw and that mostly all at once, or simply two times. Same for the outboard, it is usually only used on the in and out portion of a trip. If there are issues with the motors at least they have parts interchangeability. I'll find out and let you know in the spring. Can't help but wonder how they sold so many machines if people had so many problems.
  13. Timm

    Chip A Saw

    Thank you for the help. Not sure when I'll get to this. I do intend to cut wood with this. I go north to Canada on canoe trips couple or three weeks at a time. I've been taking a wood tent stove and find that less than two tanks with a Stihl 21 cuts all the wood I need. Stihl is a great saw but larger than this one and space/weight is limited on the canoe and in the portage. As well, I use an outboard and found I was carrying two fuel oil mixes. I've got an O & R outboard running now and with the O & R saw I'll lighten and simplify my load. Even if this saw is slow to cut it won't be a big deal. I'm sure it's faster than the hand saw I used in years past. Thanks again. I'll return with more questions I'm sure.
  14. Timm

    Chip A Saw

    Where is the on/off switch? I have two stray wires out the bottom.
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