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Viking last won the day on August 26 2016

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  1. Oh right thanks that's good to know so someone dragged it here from America at some point and painted it, I prefer original but if I had to paint it I would have done something a bit more interesting ah well! comin to collect ha ha you are a very funny man Andrew, I'll kill you last
  2. Any ideas on the plough bit? Shoddy photo I know - it's up against an old mini also going rot, my landlord is a joke ! It has that long bar bit and then separate metal plough bits that I guess attach somehow?
  3. You guys are funny ! I'm sorry to have riled you all up - he's not my mate he's my wretched lying landlord who seems to like letting things waste to nothing .... If it were mine i would keep it most likely as it would be pretty useful here but unfortunatly it's not. Just been watching some videos of it, no wonder you lot want it - seems like a bit of beast! Are the normally blue? The others I saw were white or red
  4. Triumph66 can I email you the pix still ?
  5. Don't tell the coppers but I found that by taking out 4 screws holding the lock on I was able to get in and get some photos - looking a bit worse for wear sadly - I also noticed a kind of plough which may go on it I don't know anyways here it is...well I can't actually upload any photos Arg!
  6. Sorry for my ignorance but what's an XL QT
  7. Sorry it was vague because I was just showing it to triumph66 - though I'm interested in what it does and what it fits on to - it belongs to my stingey landlord along with a blue Bolen garden tractor that he's hidden away - we were told it fits on but I wast convinced so I'm sorry it's not for sale
  8. Hi this is the mystery Bolens thing that attaches to a Blue Bolens garden tractor - sorry to be vague but have no clue
  9. Its a blue one - it apparently has a plough type thing that fits in but im not convinced - sadly just looked through the shed window it's covered in bird poo the tractor I mean, the plough thing is separate I can get a picture of anyone could help that would be great
  10. Ha ha thanks Head exam I've tried but the guy is impervious to logic and his only interest seems to be money - it was verbally agreed when I moved here that we could use it but sadly not written in the contract - anyone would think he'd want the land maintained it is his after all but he's also harbouring a baby grand piano in the same shed despite pointing out to him the mice have been at it he's still hair left it all to rot hate to see such waste but short of smashing off the lock I'm consigned to the fact I may never get to use it
  11. Thank you for the information that's certainly interesting, sadly a little lost on me as though I appreciate the history I don't know anything about engines or machinery in general I can't even drive a car ! I have no ide the worth either but have now listed it on eBay, there was only one other hawk major on eBay listed which is a non runner at £45 so I've put £50 on it but obviously postage would be high so hoping someone local will be interested, I feel a little sad to part with it but I really don't have much use for it - now if only my landlord would let me get my hands on the bolens ride on mower that's been wasting away in a locked shed for more than a year that would be much more useful - thanks ever so much again for the info
  12. Thank you very much that's great i suppose dead folk aren't too fussed about the clippings although by coincidence I did used to work for a company gardening all the cemeteries in Somerset, I've read about the rubber patch to stop it bumping the graves which would have been really useful in that job but I digress! Bit of a pity it's not the original engine but then I suspect perhaps it wouldn't work so well if it was - I'm North Devon middle of nowhere really but not too far from Bideford. I will be selling it as it's interesting but I dont have a need for it here I have around 2 acres of grass to cut and it would take a long long time with this thanks again
  13. That's incredibly helpful thanks once again! I don't think it has a roller and as you say it's obviously not a 90's model - I know retro is all the rage but still unless they were going for the rat look most likely a newer engine as you say - is it just a shroud? I think there may be another shroud for it I will have to have a dig about but thanks again for the help
  14. Photos all coming up the wrong way round sorry not sure why
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