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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Second Vegetable Garden Went in Today

    The first garden is starting to play out, so I did some dirt work and added some organic mulch and compost to the top. Planted 4 rows of beans, 2 rows of okra, 2 rows of onions, Walla Walla and Texas Sweets, Transplanted 6 tomato plants that came up in various parts of the garden as volunteers from last years heirloom tomatoes as well as 2 volunteer watermelon plants. I bought 3 sweet pepper plants and 4 more strawberry plants for the south east side off the house. I also planted 12 more pepper plants , 12 tomato pants, 12 cantaloupe, 12 squash, 12 zucchini all from seed in starter pods. Also put in Dill, Parsley, Thyme, Cilantro, Chives and Mustard herbs. I ordered 10 pounds of Red La Sorda seed potatoes tonight, hoping to have them in in a week or ten days. We still have 40 pounds of Red and gold potatoes from summers garden, I think the fall potato crop will get us through most of the winter We have a ton of stuff in the freezer and root cellar, but that will play out before fall, I hoping to be able to grow all winter long and eat what I can grow, catch or shoot this year. The benefits of not having or wanting a job or boss.
  2. 1 point
    There is NOTHING more important to your health than real fresh fruits and vegetables. I'm putting in six fruit trees this fall and my sun room will get a lean too as well to double the size of winter growing. The store bought fruits and vegetables are almost devoid of real nutrients
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