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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Going to be warm this winter.

    Just after Christmas the log store was getting a bit depleted. So I reluctantly order a load of logs that where duly delivered. A week later, talking to a farmer neighbour I mentioned this. "You needn't have ordered any", he said. "There's a tree I want down and you can have it". Typical! This was a fair sized sycamour. Maybe 2-3 ton. What surprised me when I started to cut into it, the amount of water that came out of it. Anyway a few hours work and a few trips with the Sears/Roper and Saxon trailer and log splitter at home, the 2' x 4' x 8' wood cage is nicely full. Due to it being so green, it's being left to dry out for next winter. I've had a bit of a trim since that photo was taken. And Carol is just posing. Not long after that, my mate Dunc landed down from over the border in Scotland. 10' x 5' trailer in tow. Full of seasoned timber. And all for me. Some of that is now cut and logged and stored ready to use. About three weeks ago, the same farmer's son was felling dykes/hedges down the side of a field. I could go and get as much wood that I liked. Oh! I liked alright. I can't remember just how many loads I brought home. Maybe 8-9. Decent sized stuff as well. Problem now is, my little wood yard is full and nowhere else to store more. And there's another stack for me waiting over the border.
  2. 2 points

    Rear tractor rack.

    I've been making a couple of attachments for the Sears/Roper recently. First was a front tow hitch out of some scrap lying around. May not look pretty, but functual and cheap. Secondly a rack for the rear of it. I did make a tote box for the front to carry my chainsaw etc, but on really rough ground it would hit large bumps or ground out on deep holes. So I decided to make a rack to carry it behind the seat. Again made from scrap and an old scrap gate. Box trial fitted. Finally some paint thrown on with a brush. Later I had an idea. I was bored BTW. A seat was lying on the shelf, so let's fit it to the rack. Not ideal but good for a laugh. Certainly strong but best not pull any wheelies.
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