I received this message today.
from Steve Wilson
Changing the subject a little, I have 2 C125 wheel horses that I was using in my vineyard until last summer. Someone turned hard right at top speed on one of them and the back axle moved apart a little then jammed. The other was used regularly and I do not think there is much wrong but I cannot get it to start.
Unfortunately the vineyard is expanding quickly, it is extremely busy and time consuming. I have owned both both tractors for some years and am very fond of them however I know that I will not have time to look at them this year.
If anyone is interested they are available free from the vineyard in Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, at the very least I am sure that 1 good tractor could be assembled. I can be reached on 07812 339556, 01386 840079 or email steve@steve-w.co.uk
If there is a better address for this message to be viewed, I would be pleased to know it.