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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    rolloman 1

    Two little generations

    Hi Stormin Thanks for your reply it has a 8 hp Mag Engine made in Austria very strong and powerfull fantastic Little machine
  2. 0 points

    Orline Cutoff saw

    I’ll add some more photos later but I’m now one with O&R... while working on the cutoff saw I was trying to remove a set screw/bolt with quite a bit of force. The slotted head snapped and the screwdriver skewered my hand between my thumb and pointer finger. I ended up at the ER yesterday and when they did x-rays they saw a piece of shrapnel. Apparently half of the screw head that snapped off went with the screwdriver blade and got lodged deep in my hand. I go in for surgery tomorrow morning for them to try to fish it out. You can see in this first photo the half of the screw that chipped off. Piece of the screw removed from my hand this morning...
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