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Jack rush

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About Jack rush
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  1. Ok thanks does the ground have to be somewhere on the motor ie the throttle plate like it usually is located.
  2. Jack rush


    Thanks anything more on the detent ball
  3. Jack rush


    Thanks mate (the showman) that helped lastly i need a detent ball for my gear selector in the transaxle i can only find them in the usa and its like 30 pound shipping so looking for one in the uk this is the part number (792077A) thanks
  4. Jack rush


    Hi ive got a peerless 800 gearbox and i have rebuilt it but as i tighten the casing the differencial axle tightens likely to be a cog/sprocket not sitting right and or washer in the wrong place has anyone got a photo of the inside of the gearbox please thanks in advance
  5. Hi where can I get 792089a shift keys from I've cracked my transaxle open and got them out just was stuck in finding them on the Internet. Also how do I fill the transaxle up with oil is there a fill valve of what? Thanks.
  6. Different engine but anyone know this noise https://www.dropbox.com/s/ymkc98ftnw5f48c/20170129_144012.mp4?dl=0
  7. My peerless transaxle model number is 4.103.566 but I can't find shift keys for it if anyone can help me.
  8. The carb and fuel system is all good but it wont syart first time?
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