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About nobby490
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  1. Im looking for a carburettor for a Kobuta gh250 q1 mag or sg similar to fit I have been told it is a very old engine I would be grateful for any information on it only Kobuta say it’s no longer available can any body help me thanks
  2. Can anybody let me know on the deluxe rotorvator the reverse pulley has some sort of brake lining which is worn down like a v shape can it be replaced on the pulley or is past repair thanks
  3. does anyone any one know what lever throttle fit the qualcast cultimatic deluxe only i bought new carb for it but im not getting any luck with it it fires up but there is no power in the engine and its running very rich so im assuming its some thing to do with the governor and the throttle thanks
  4. Yes you right what big cockpit they made of that
  5. hi thanks yes you right that is the same as mine but i think i can take the bearing out and get one made up and hopefully solve the leak the question is will the bugger come out easy or not lol
  6. Hi thanx for getting back to me I seen the picts you sent mine is the first one which is the sealed one but there is a 2 washers one steal and one is fibre and the is a bearing and oil is leaking past the bearing in my handbook it don’t show the brearing
  7. Hi can anybody tell me about the qualcast cultimatic deluxe gearbox bearing and oil seals I have a leake on the left hand side and I wanted to know can they be changed for new ones and where would you get them thanks
  8. yes I found the original b&s engine catalogue and part numbers and I know now there are various types of mufflers for the machine all I have to do is find one for it as far as I know this machine got2 forward speeds and a reverse so it will be interesting to see how it performs im gone restore it and give it a good service
  9. hi i just got a qualcast cultimatic deluxe rotorvator and it in need of a muffler/exhaust and its 4hp engine model numb is 100235 /type 056401-code 78063208 can any body help with wich muffler i need i looked but it seems to me its a square type bolt on but not sure or is there any other ones that will fit b&s engine would be great full of any help thanks
  10. hi can anybody help me i have bought a qualcast cultimatic de luxe rotorvator and im looking for the exhaust /muffler on a briggs and stratton 4hp engine and not sure which one will fit the engine if anybody out there have had one or got one can you please let me know what type will fit the engine many thanks
  11. Hi we spoke about the Suzuki engine I just want to know how heavy is the machine to pick up and will it go in a estate car or not I have a skoda superb estate and not sure if it will fit in the car or not or wether I can lift it on my own
  12. no it isn't but i want to know more about machine as to model and what does circa stand for
  13. hi is there anybody have any experience on woseley major tiller rotorvator only i want to know the model i have its got a suzuki s200 5hp engine and i can't find anything at all about this engine what year it was manufactured and what carb fits it all i have is the pat numb 714394 and serial numb M1250c50 some one posted that its 1974 circa machine what is circa mean i would be great full if anyone can help on the engine and machine and does the honda g100 the same as for the carb excetra thanks
  14. Hi I just texted the guy about engine it’s got compression and it turns over and oil is good but it’s missing drive belt that’s not a problem but it’s missing filter cover for it like yours what are the chances of obtaining one got any ideas thanks
  15. Hello I didn’t find anything for it I don’t surpose you have the details for it on eBay I would buy the manual I looked for something for this engine but I got nothing only outboard boat engines so if you can give me the details I would be very great full thanks
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