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EdToo last won the day on September 26 2021

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  1. I started cleaning up the Cross slide today. It looks like there was a manufacturing error while engraving it. I guess the warranty has expired by now. Interesting about the shallow shelf. I have a tapped bolt hole and a plain hole in one of the two legs so maybe one of the brackets mounted there.
  2. EdToo


  3. I managed to get the tail stock apart at the weekend, the quill had been wound right in and jammed on the threads of its lead screw a little squirt of WD40 and much wriggling of the handle freed it up after which it ran smoothly. Since I had it on the bench I decided to start cleaning it up, the whole lathe has been painted with a cream paint over a grey paint over a green paint and none of the paint layers have adhered very well so most of the paint scraped off easily with an old wood chiesel. A coat of engine degreaser, wash off and wipe over with meths left it ready for a coat of paint. Still need to clean up the internals and that is one piece complete. I've added some photos of what I have. The legs at the back, one has wheels attached but the other has them missing. I'm guessing they supported the flywheel and pulleys for the treadle (which is also all missing). I have two seemingly random pulleys they have the same tooth pattern, but looking at Alan's it seems all of his are solid.
  4. I've just signed up after reading this thread. I bought a Selig Sonnethal last weekend and picked it up in kit form. Unlike the one above the bed is longer around 6 feet in length, the poor car was very low at the rear end for the trip back and unloading it by myself nearly killed me. The lathe has had a hard life, the treadle and flywheel assembly is missing and it looks like it was converted to power as there are signs of wear from a belt rubbing from running off from behind. The lead screw is seized and most of the teeth are sheared from the cog that powers it. It doesn't have any change gears with it. The gapping piece is missing from the bed and the gear assembly that runs parallel to the chuck axis appears siezed (is there a purpose to this cog assembly or does it support the chuck axis?). I thought at first the quill was missing from the tail stock but it is just stuck somehow, it rotates a fraction in each direction with the hand wheel but no more, the key underneath wriggles with it so maybe they are bound together somehow. There is nothing mounted in the quill does anyone know if these are Morse tapers or some other fitting? Since the old assembly is missing I plan to run it on an electric motor, but I'm pretty sure it isn't going to look as nice as Timtim's. I love those oilers for the bearings.
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