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About TT
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  • Birthday 06/10/1969
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  1. TT


  2. I can still remember going days without a new post when RedSquare was young. Patience grasshoppers. for all you do Coach Karl!
  3. It was/is a Bolens - guessing a mid/late 60's 650 model.
  4. TT

    Welder Opinions

    I am absolutely thrilled with my Miller 140 Auto-Set. http://www.millerwelds.com/products/mig/product.php?model=M00234 I know I didn't need to spend that much, but I wanted a good reliable machine that was supported by my local welding supply store. You can figure on an additional +/- $150 if you buy your own bottle of shielding gas. I have never welded with flux core wire. (and never will)
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