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Everything posted by jparkes43
  1. its something to do with project bendy?
  2. front wheel stub where the wheel centre goes in and bolts on? james
  3. i got some 4.00X4 and they look pretty good compared to the originals obviously a tad thinner an they look good. which is fine they will fit. also i noticed that rears are tubeless so i am returning the old tubes to get my money back. i got the original sized rear tyres james
  4. whys that Nigel? the old one seems fine. Guys as promised, another update the tyres are off. a tyre machine to break the bead and then some elbow grease with some leavers because out machine didn't go small enough and eventually it came off after some tyre cutting then i got two new rubber air inserts with valves and caps now to get in with the sand blasting and painting etc ten ready to make it a roller again. James
  5. Hello guys, sorry for my recent absence, but i have been waiting for my days to be free. so here i am back with some news, i have 4 new tyres and 4 new inner tube for my lawn ranger. the rear tyres are in the back of my car and i am taking them of with the tyre machine later on today so expect an update late today early tomorrow if all goes well. not much in terms of progress but a huge step forward because now i have some parts to make it a rolling chassis after i sandblast at school. James
  6. i did know what n2o did. right i completely forgot about all that gearing and other stuff thanks for letting me know. i will give it more fuel with the jet needle james
  7. DONT? BANG? these aren't words i was looking for. why? whats the concern? james
  8. its arriving next week so expect and update then james
  9. Well i have been wanting to do something unique to my Juliette tractor for a while now. as if it wasn't enough already so when i had my little motorised bike (charlie will remember) i was looking for little upgrade parts and came across this little thing, yes it is cheap and probably wont do much but why not? (in the words of ian ) so it is a little nitrous kit that is put into the carb spacer and then activated via a little valve. its probably a load of poo but we will see hey. let me know what you think. as i say this isnt a very serious mod but it was cheap and there you go. james
  10. wow thats a find. do kind of like those cubs james
  11. yer we got it all. thank you its really good for all the support james
  12. yay nice to see some more. and of coarse the lovely ranger have some fun with those james
  13. well not much to speak of but at least there is some!! the stickers arrived thanks Mark (meadowfield) and the 227-5 (tad of topic but related) has some new ones on too. but the ranger has the dash sticker put on with the throttle, ignition and some blanking pad put on. i need to order a choke cable!! the serial number has now been uncovered. cant wait to get all the other jobs done so that some more progress can happen! thanks james
  14. oh yes that looks like good fun. you could modify this to make it really fast or just a few simple things good luck james
  15. thank you, ah you see i didn't expect those stickers to be there but they are and im happy to put them on my mahcines. also got the restoration decals stickers too james
  16. hello guys, here is some more progress for you, not much but some rear wheels tyres are off the tractor, they have been wire brushed so that they are ready to be sand blasted at school the front split rims have been split, they have also been soaking in petrol and various other liquids to de grease and clean them ready for sand blasting too (they are really clean photo doesn't do it justice). i also got the steering wheel masked up, sanded and first coat of primer applied (past couple of days have been too cold for any more) and now you can see what it looks like james
  17. erm what do you want that i own james
  18. is there not an opportunity to freecycle this james
  19. certainly not me james
  20. nice one i love that james
  21. damn will defiantly keep an eye out by word of mouth and on the internet. james i had a look on the old bay for e and searched for one of thoose engines and had a few search results will pm you. james
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