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Everything posted by rog8811
  1. Can anyone help with finding a finger for the Mayfield, all the ones on it are original Mayfield one of which has the top tang broken off. The other thought is that fingers of another make may fit, does any one know please?
  2. Yes indeed, they still have them in stock so that is one part off the list, thanks S1g I got this to cut the glades on my nature reserve so not sure about anything other than maybe a saw bench....keep me in mind though The carb is back on, no flooding so thats sorted with a bit of luck. Clutch cable was a bit mangled at the top end so I have cleaned it up with some shrink sleeving and a clamp to hold it out of harms way. Although I can start it with the handle I am going to get a pull cord,as I think the action is easier. Oh and It is a 12 /2HS
  3. Here you go, my starting point, carb off tomorrow to get it cleaned up.
  4. Just guessing mind you but if "A" was july 2014 then "N" maybe?.....
  5. Thanks Wristpin, very useful, the basic carb body is the same, the mark 2 seems to have the little red plastic filter instead of the the plastic see through one. I am guessing the red ones are hard to obtain? ....I am thinking that 3D printing could help with making them available again I will have the carb off for cleaning tomorrow and now know what the innards look like! I have discovered that my Mayfield has come home, it was built just 1 1/2 miles from my house in Dorking
  6. I have just got myself a Mayfield with scythe attachment and a tow along seat....( I nearly posted this in the ride on section ) It is a runner but needs a throttle cable and an air filter for the bottom of the carb. which I believe is a B10/2..has.anyone got a parts drawing for same? Other than that it looks pretty tidy and complete, I will put some pictures up when the rain stops and I can uncover it.
  7. Wow, that is one large collection, any idea how many of them would run if you gave them 12v and some juice?
  8. I never got round to modifying and repairing the deck, the bigger front wheels rubbed the shroud on full lock.
  9. This was one of those things, i saw a picture on the internet and had to have a go. The first picture was my first mod, front wheels the same size as the back ones. The rest are the finished Jeep. If you want to see more info on this I did a blog on instructables http://www.instructables.com/id/Gas-petrol-powered-jeep-from-ride-on-mower/ If the link isn't allowed/doesn't work just search my screen name in google images.
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