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RC Modeller

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About RC Modeller
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    Nottingham, England
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  1. RC Modeller

    RC Modeller

  2. Hi, As requested. Pictures of my leads I got with my Model 114. Still have no idea regarding the significance of the two central brass terminals. Once I get her re-running, I'll get a meter on all 3 pairs of terminals. Regards Chas
  3. I never realised there were so many variations on the same machine. Here are the out puts on my Champ. I don't yet know what the two brass terminals are for as they just say Output?? Or how to wire up my connections. Chas
  4. Hi Wallfish, Thanks but Factory has sent me a link to his parts details. So this time I've downloaded them to make sure. Regards Chas
  5. Hi everyone, back on the forum again, after a long illness, and not being able to find out where the forum had gone (cheers Joe). Nice to see we still have an O & R forum albeit a bit smaller. It'll just take me a while to read up on what's been happening. Meanwhile here are pics of my engines. The Generator is new un-run, the single Military motor is in care and preservation (storage?) mode. The Turbo Tot was going to be a rebuild project, but I've shelved that idea (too many other ones on the go) so I'll let it go for a cheap spares/re-build item. I've lost the link to the O & R forum engine diagrams. Are on here anywhere? Cheers
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