CasualObserver 4 #1 Posted June 7, 2013 Back in 2006 my wife wanted a wine bar for the living room, but the more we looked at places like World Market, Crate and Barrel and Pottery Barn... the more we realized that everything nowadays is just laminated MDF. We wanted something real. So we came up with the idea of using an antique icebox, and started looking at flea markets and antique malls. We looked for well over six months to find one with two large doors rather than the more common three door models. We found one that had been gutted by a previous owner, and I retrofitted the interior, making no changes or damage to the original piece. She drew up the design and I blueprinted it to fit the dimensions we had. It holds 9 wine glasses in a stemware holder from Lowes, and 30 standard sized wine bottles. (27 in the right and 3 at the bottom left) The shelf on the top left is for the bottle opener. Wish I would have thought to take more pictures of it as it went together. The rack on the right is built completely out of 3/4" square oak stock. There are four vertical posts that were routed out 1/4" on two opposite sides to nest the horizontal resting bars into. Horizontal bars were glued and brad nailed. When I was done it mapped out to 27 perfectly identical squares, with the perfect depth for horizontal wine storage. Essentially I built it as a kit and did final assembly inside the ice box itself. We like it. It's held up through a household move and now 7 years later still holding wine bottles. 3 stevasaurus, nylyon and jamesie reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nylyon 171 #2 Posted June 7, 2013 That is really nice, and a great idea! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CasualObserver 4 #3 Posted June 7, 2013 Thanks. I think it's kinda unique and fun. Never seen another like it yet. I've considered trying to do another one and put it on ebay just to see if I could generate some interest. Hard part is finding just the right icebox to work with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KATO 7 #4 Posted June 7, 2013 We had one of those at our hunt camp a few years back .Actually used it for food for many years unfortunately the feet got rotten and nobody was interested in saving it... #$@^. hind sight is always 20\20 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wallfish 700 #5 Posted June 7, 2013 That's a great idea and a very nice piece of furniture Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sparky 0 #6 Posted June 8, 2013 Looks fantastic! Made me a tad thirsty as well . Mike............ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MalMac 1 #7 Posted June 8, 2013 We have a taller one. and used it for a liquor cabinet in are dinning room. That was several years ago. Now we use it in are office for storing office supplies. After seeing yours gets me to thinking of converting it back to wine bar. Looks good thanks for the motivation. 1 CasualObserver reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M 7 #8 Posted June 8, 2013 Great Idea, and it Looks really Nice Jason. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Denny 0 #9 Posted June 9, 2013 What a great idea!... Well done Jason. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevasaurus 11 #10 Posted July 17, 2013 I really like your wine bar Jason. Great job of planning and functionality on the inside, and the antique look goes well with wine. 1 CasualObserver reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jbumgarner 0 #11 Posted July 24, 2013 That turned out great. Nice work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites