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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2016 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    Tractor World, Malvern, 2016

    Took my display along this morning, heres a couple of photos of the set up day. Met up with a few members, including Expeatfarmer and Stormin. (thanks again Norman for the Baloon, James Loved it) Looking forward to tomorrow., hopefully will get lots more photos.
  2. 1 point

    Tractor World, Malvern, 2016

    Thankyou Nigel, I certainly wasn't cold by the time id finished unloading.
  3. 1 point

    Tractor World, Malvern, 2016

    Looks cold there boys Nice display you have there gareth
  4. 1 point
    Cinderella is now ready for the ball along with the six others. had to evict a stowaway today when cleaning 137 one of the track frame support tubes was packed solid with peanuts obviously the mouse was going to self cater at Malvern!!
  5. 1 point
    Finally managed to get back to 137 and weld up the rims, I used the half tractor that came with it as a work stand that enabled me to rotate the wheel as I welded it. Tacked them first and then welded opposing segments inside and out and then ground the welds flush.I am going to dunk them in the de rust tank to take the rust out of the pits and then a light skim of filler before painting. Interestingly during the cleaning process a lot of the original paint has come to light and it is clear that the earlier tractors used a darker more caret red than is commonly seen on later models. I have sand blasted the galleried load rollers, these are all worn to below 7.5" diameter which will mean that I shall have to turn them down to a common size and then fit a shrink tyre on the wear edges to take them back to 8", Not worked out how to do that yet unless I can find some 8" o.d thick wall steel pipe and take off some slices.
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