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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    A logging we will go.

    The field opposite my humble abode, owned by one of those digester companies, has not been used for a couple of years. A farmer is renting it to graze sheep in. But first it needs fencing, ploughing and re-seeding. Also down one side trees and bushes needed cutting back. That was done a couple of days ago with a machine. I've got permission to salvage any wood, But I have to be quick about it. So into the field this morning about 10. Got three loads before lunch and one after and it nearly killed me. Didn't help with everything being piled up. Bit of a fight getting to the good stuff. What's that saying? Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid day sun. 72F. I should know better at my age. Four loads like the one below. The box on the back of the Sears is just the right size for chainsaw etc. The wood did fight back a bit. Still more to collect.
  2. 1 point
    The Blues Brothers

    My new tractor

    After a bit of searching now have Road legal number plates. Now have new warning lamps
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