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About Aidan
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  • Location
    N. Ireland
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  1. Thanks iv been lost in all the other threads all morning. I really liked the skimmer, i would love a mini dozer for leveling my lane. I also have a 10hp yardman that works and cuts jusg needs a carb.. They all need time spent which i dont have but ill get there.
  2. I am new to all this and have aquired a few different old mowers over the past few years. Ill post some pics of them and you can tell me what you think and if you have suggestions id love to hear them. P.s the names Aidan
  3. This is my first foray into forums so excuse my ignorance. I have aquired a few different old mowers over the past few years and i am currently restoring one (grass cutting) one is my little tractor, a similar one for spares, an old mtd that has been retired and yardman which was rescued from some trees. I will try and post some pics.. any ideas on what to do with them im open to suggestions?? Thanks

    20160926_195827 (1).jpg





    1. Cub Cadet

      Cub Cadet

      Hi and welcome to My Old Machine, instead of posting on your profile, start a thread in the relevant section as people are unlikely to see posts on your profile. Nice collection by the way!

    2. Stormin


      Welcome to MoM, Aidan. Yes, do as Ewan suggests. Introduce yourself in introductions and post about your tractors in ride on's.

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