Thanks Richard - this will make another useful addition to my 'library'
Thanks Wristpin. I was sure until I saw your reply. Following your post I have looked again at the Spare Parts Book again and can see that the nearest key (4295) to the Backplate is intended for the small sprocket and that key 1662 is the one for the backplate. I'll have to look more closely next time!
Thank you Richard for looking through your stock and for the helpful Chart. I ordered a couple of keys from the Link you gave me and immediately after received Wristpin's reply highlighting the fact that I had incorrectly read the Spare Parts Book. At least if you ever need a key I may be able to help you from the two I have ordered.
Another excellent restoration! Not only are there few people now who could make a quality item, there are even fewer who could repair one!
Hi Richard,
You always seem to be helping me out and I hope I can reciprocate one day!
I have endeavoured to measure the keyway and the measurements would seem to be:
length 600 thou and width155 thou although the slot in the Backplate seems to be more like 165 thou
Does anyone have or know where to get a key for holding the clutch back plate on the axle? It appears to be a half moon shape and is part number 4295. The key was missing from my 21 and from the part Osprey which I keep for spares. Any help would be much appreciated.
Really interesting photos. I've never seen many of the different makes and models before!
The 46th annual Show returns to South Cerney Airfield Cirencester from August 3rd to 5th. The Show is regarded as one of the biggest and best steam, vintage and countryside events in the UK.
Set in the former wartime airfield the sprawling show site covers around 2oo acres . This year the Show features nearly 1,000 classic cars from pre and post-war eras including more than 70 classic American cars, 30 vintage car clubs, 335 motorcycles and scooters, 80 bicycles from 1903 to 1980, 30 miniature steam engines, 70 full-size steam engines, model engineering, 200 tractors, over 70 buses and coaches, 130 military vehicles, 315 emergency and commercial vehicles, 70 industrial trucks, 50 vintage caravans, over 50 model aircraft taking to the sky above, 180 trade stands and loads more livestock and show arenas etc..
Thanks Wristpin - I have checked the axle and bush again on the Hayter 21 and there is 36 thou between the exterior radius of the axle and the inside diameter of the bush. Do you know what the correct difference should be? The part number for the O ring is very helpful and I am trying to order one. I will try to adhere to your list of essentials and look forward to being dragged along as I had to physically help the mower along last week for 3 hours to get a job done (before the inevitable prolonged rains appear!).
I have looked again at the Osprey chain and it looks like you were right Richard. I could not see a split retaining cotter using a light and mirror so I hacksawed through the half link, but looking closer at the back of there does appear to be provision for one although nothing came off (or I did not see it if it did!) when I removed the chain which is indeed 1/2"".
There was no O ring on either the 21 or the Osprey so I am trying to order one.
Hi again Richard,
I tried to message you but the System would not let me add photos so I have put them here. This is the chain on my Osprey axle.
Its not very often you can say the earth shook when you're retired!
Thank you all once again - I would be lost without your help and advice! I had forgotten I do have an axle from an old Osprey and will have a look at it in the faint hope that any of the parts are usable. I can see the removeable link now that Richard has pointed it out - the Sun must have been in my eyes when I took the photo!
Having spent some time getting the engine to start easily, I found that I had poor drive to the wheels and suspected the clutch needed adjusting as the 'wheel drive belt' seemed OK. I removed the wheel, hub and chainguard and after removing the Hub (photo2) I found what appeared to be two worn grinder disks (photo 1) which are not shown in the Spare Parts Book. I am wondering if these should be there or whether they are the result of a 'cowboy fix' in the past.
I addition the Drive Chain is filthy and I need to remove it and clean it but cannot see a revvable link or how otherwise to remove and refit it.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Excellent work as usual Richard. Its made me think what I can use my similar sliding lid winebox for!
The screw arrived and is fitted. I did try to measure the thread, without success and then saw the accompanying note.
Thanks for searching your stock and for your kind offer Richard. Having looked at the Link you sent and upon reflection I thought it would be preferable to install 6 new ball bearings so I ordered 10.
No Richard , you didn't misunderstand, when I started the topic I had searched without success for a screw in the UK and was still looking for one. As it happened, the first reply to the Topic was from Wristpin who said that there was one such screw available at Adamsons. When I learnt that Adamsons had one and only one I immediately ordered it and am awaiting delivery. I am anxious to get a screw because I need to mow a paddock before the grass gets too long. I will revisit my Vernier and check my measurement, but I would still like a sixth ball bearing if you do locate one.
Firstly, thankyou Wristpin for directing me to the one in stock which I have ordered. As regards the ball bearings the Manual is silent so Richard may be right in that it's pot luck how many each engine has. I didn't remove the clutch cover, it just fell off and whilst I do not believe I lost a bearing I cannot be absolutely sure. However I will be closely following Richard's advice in the LINK he gave as regards cleaning and reassembly of the clutch.
Turning to Richard's post, I realise I should have said that my engine is a vertical shaft. His photo clearly shows how the Horizontal shaft differs from the vertical shaft in this respect.
When the screw arrives I will be able to measure it and I may then find that it is something that is available from a hardware stockist, although I am hoping the new screw will not 'disappear' like the old one, because I will be applying Loctite to it when I install it!
Despite investing in a good second-hand Rabone Chesterman dial Vernier, I am still not very practiced in its use and when I measured one of the bearings I got it to 312 thousands of an inch which seems somewhat short of 3/8 of an inch so perhaps my bearings are considerably worn (or my measurement is useless!).
Can anyone help me please with the dimensions of the above part or, even better supply me with the part. It is a shoulder screw (about an inch long) which holds the pivot for the Governor lever link. I haven't been able to locate one in the UK and whilst they are available in America the postage is astronomical (for a single screw).
Also the starter rewind assembly seems to have space for 6 ball bearings but there are only five. Do I need six?
I forgot to state my engine number which is 130902 0228-01 75091910
Thank you for the advice to check the sprocket as well.
Thanks for your reply Headexam. I have cleaned the clutch and replaced it but not tried it. I will give it a try and if the problem is still there I will have another look at the spacing with a view to replacing the parts you suggest.
Thank you all for your advice and suggestions. I now know how to remove the clutch and hopefully a good clean will solve the problem.
I have a Skilshop chainsaw model 1712 -Type 3 (see photo 1) and although the engine runs the chain does not cut well and slows down during use. I previously asked HeadExam for advice and he suggested it might be either the sprocket in the guidebar or the clutch.
The guidebar sprocket moves freely so I think the problem may be the clutch.
Having removed the cover I am stuck as I do not know how to remove the clutch for inspection. As can be seen in photo 2 there is a very thin hexagon nut on the clutch with a directional arrow and I do not know whether this unscrews or the clutch needs to be removed with a puller.
Can anyone help please?
It just reinforces the view that everything is now about money and the way of the world is why sell a rubber bush when you can sell a whole new bracket!
Hi Richard - It looks really well made and I'm sure it will be better than new when you've worked your magic.
I wish I had known earlier - I've recently bought a second hand one from the USA!